Spring in Kissamos
On Monday 20 March we had vernal equinox. So the spring of 2017 has officially started in the north hemisphere in which our country belongs. In reverse in the south hemisphere it will start in the fall.
So, on Monday the sun was shining vertical, above the equator of earth and the duration of the day and night was almost the same.
If someone takes a walk around Kissamos, coastal, or on a hill, or mountain he will find out from nature itself that spring is here. So you don’t need to have any knowledge of astronomy in order to find out that spring is here, but go out in the nature, by foot or bicycle.
This year’s winter gave us plenty of rains resulting rich flowering in all trees and plants after the first sunshine
First to blossom were the almond trees, following the orange trees, tangerines and all the citrus trees. Now is the turn of olive trees, aromatic and therapeutic herbs to blossom.
This week is ideal for pruning the vineyards and arbors which blossom a bit later.
Colors vary and impress in every corner of the street and in every mountaintop. Vivid red, bright orange, yellow, dark purple and soft azure…all of the flower colors, as well as the colors that change at the flowers during their lifetime. Different colors of the flowers of the same species, and sometimes of the same plant.
At this period in Kissamos, apart from a hike in the nature, there is a possibility of team ventures in the nature. Who wishes may participate in different actions which occur from bodies of Kissamos.
Very often (usually Sunday’s) the team ‘’Clean beaches in Kissamos’’ organizes cleanings of the beaches (you can learn about here) . On Sunday 9 of April within the context of ‘’Let’s do it’’ more than 10 different places (beaches, villages and paths) in all of Kissamos will be cleaned at 10:30 p.m. (start time) from several cultural organizations.
After Easter, hiking teams, the Mountaineering club and private citizens will begin the opening (cleaning and signage) of many pathways. Like the pathway of Falassarna-Balos, gorge of Sirikari and many more.
Participating in these actions you also have the chance for ventures in the spring nature.
Stay tuned to our blog in order to learn news and activities in the region of Kissamos